Monday, November 9, 2009

# Had fun

Thanks for everything have learnt alot, especially like the comic and logo designs using them alot plus Google maps. Ebooks and Audio tapes will be used in the future. Already using Facebook, youtude and teachertude. Thanks again

#22 Ebooks & # 23 Audiobooks

Ebooks and Audio Books would work well in the school room. The audio especially for the younger children who can not read yet. IT is a good way to show children another type of reading source. There are now so many titles both fiction and nonfiction it would assist the children to access books which can not be found anymore or located at their school or library.
being able to download means you can access a number of items at one item for your class or take it with you when moving around.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#21 - Youtube and Teachertubes

You do need to be careful about youtube sights but if you pick them out before hand they are fine. It is amazing what is out there. As we are looking at fables and fairytales it was great to find them on the internet. I added these ones to share with everyone. Good to see what people can do.

#20 - podcasts

Interesting that so many people wish to record themselves - some things are very interesting but not to listen it.

Would be good for older children to use as a way of finishing a unit and discussing things learnt during the unit or favourite movies/books.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

#19 - Rollyo

Do not know if I would use this much. Good to search to see what other's have found but quite content to use my bookmarks. Good for school if want children to use a range of set safe sites for work or play.

Monday, October 19, 2009

#18 Wikis

Like the possibilities as long as ensure have time to check to make sure all is right before children access it. Good way to show and share learning about things eg space, numbers, animals or dinosaurs.
Work well with either upper or
lower primary school kids.
Lower will need more hands on at start.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

#17 Delicious

For myself I can not see to much use as I can use my own bookmarks on my own computer but it could be a place to go to look for something if needed. For a classroom I can see its use as it would allow a whole class to bookmark things that everyone in the class can use in one place or whole school and not use indo computers at school to bookmark things. As no guarantee you will get same computer. Also as teacher can check want is being bookmarked by class.

Monday, October 5, 2009

#15 RSS #16 Subscribes

This is great, one easy place to go and see whats new on your favourite sites in easy format.
Could see it working well with older children for themselves and even as a class for lower primary - could find sites, blogs etc about what topic being covered in class. Great to be able to look and discover sites using main idea also linked to your igoogle information. will continue to use it in the future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

13/14#My space/ Facebook

These are great tools to find lost friends and keep in touch with both friends who are close or far away. I like that you can connect to blogs, add music to your site at My space. I also like that through these places you can link to other activities and games. I enjoy sending smiles and flowers etc on my own Facebook Account.

It is great to see libraries embracing my space to get younger people involved and interacting with libraries.

I like using Facebook - personally as I do not download alot of videos, music or read alot of blogs so Myspace is really not for me at this time.

I can see how My Space could be used to link class members together or have classes blog, comment etc on work and life. Although as I work with yound chn I would not use it now.

# 12 Flickr

Flickr is a great tool to use especially to create different things and somewhere to store photos although need to ensure that they are ones you are happy for everyone to see whether or not you make them public.

# 12 - Flickr - Herbert the Wonder Turtle

Herbert the Wonder Turtle, originally uploaded by smellyknee.

This is such a lovely picture and reminds us all that we are co-carers for the wonderful creations of the earth.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

#Library Thing

I really enjoyed using Librarything. It is a good way to find books as well as connect with others reading the same type of books as you. I loved that just by searching you could find the exact copy of the book you have. Also going by author can help you find others by that author if you were unsure of other books he/she has written.

My link to my own librarything page is-

It was also interesting to see how popular the different books were that I choose to put on there. At least I know I am not the only one reading these books out there.
May get on line in holidays to do some discussing of books.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

#image Generators

These are great, I can see me spending some holiday time using these especially the BigHugeLabs site to make some motivation pictures using my children's own pictures. Also liked the comic Generator. This is one of the ones I had a go at creating. Also used Cool text - a good way to add more heading types to your work.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

# Virually online

There is certainly a lot out there but I must say I seem to have little time in the real world to get things done let alone trying to have two lives. It would be fun to have a go at second live just simply to create your own home and look around to see what others can do with their imagination. I think I will spend some time in it during the school holidays when all my work is done and I have no where else to be - like the beach, swimming, talking face to face with real people.

#8- igoogle

IGoogle is a blast. You could spend hours adding games etc. The themes are awesome you can change it to fit your mood each day or week. Its handing for placing all the things you like to use daily or weekly even monthly in one spot. The minimising button helps keep the page from being to cluttered. Being able to move the boxes is great it enables you to place the ones you use more regularly at top and the ones you may only use occasionally down the bottom.
If I had the brains I think it would be great to work for google - free food, a gym, no uniforms although I am sure they would need to produce TOP ideas to stay there.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

#Google Books

This is a great tool to find books. As with google search the more info you give the better the search. I could see it being used to find books in a hurry and those you really want to get your hands on.

#6 Google Maps

Had fun travelling from my house down the road on the map. It was good to find places that are around your area. Need to ensure in the right country. Liked the side info given. Like Google Earth for aerial views but this is good to find areas and way to get from place to place before you go.

#5 Google Doc

This is a great alternative to using Microsoft if you can not afford it. I found it easy to use especially as it looks and works similarly to Word. It was fun to play with the word doc and presentation aspects of Doc. The spreadsheet was fine but I do not use it alot. In presentations loved some of the slide designs. I would like to be able to use diffferent slides in the same presentation but was unable to work out hoe to do this although I could change individual backgrounds.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

#4 What is this Web2.0 business

It was interesting to read how Web 2.0 came about and some of the changes that the Internet literate have ween as changes. Personally its all still very confusing and I will stick to using the items I need. Although I will try to investgate thungs that catch my attention.

It was also interesting to see where someone sees the Internet in relation to Eduation as I am a teacher. Even though it was aimed at collages I thought some of it could be benefical to us in the primary part of education. I know we try to use what we know and can access now like Google maps, Google Earth and just the tools on Google search. So much out there for us and the children to discover and use.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

#3 Let Us Know

I hope my account appears on the participant list soon.

#2-Create a blog

It was quite easy to make a simple blog. I can not wait to learn more about this blogging and internet stuff.

First Day on the Job

We are all sitting in the staff room starting are Web2.0. The comments are interesting to say the least. Some of us realised to late that listening to the intro is the same as reading it yourself.
Its quite amazing what is out there when its time to learn